testing a new face for the old blog. tried other platforms, but no other seemed good enough.

January 29, 2005

[cold and frosty night, there's nothing more to say... just take me away . . .]

[cold and frosty night, there's nothing more to say... just take me away . . .]

Sometimes things end abruptly, unexpectedly. Then the only thing we wished was to be given the opportunity to return and set the wrong things right. "And sometimes . . . . just sometimes . . . . a crow show us the way . . . . because sometimes, love is stronger than anything."

Here I am, all alone in this bleak night, sitting in my own grave. It's all so quiet... as if nature itself is drown in sorrow. Even the wind is gone, as the stars and the moon, leaving me in darkness . . . . with my ghosts.
I don't know if I have survived indeed. And I don't think it matters anymore. I am here, that's all. Alone, as I should, for our love is buried down here, six feet below this cold gravestone.

For countless ages I have crawled in darkness, paying heed to every illusion that might somehow heal my battered soul. For many time have I tried by all means to find hope where it could never grow, for the sun never shone upon those blasted wastelands. Many days have passed, and all that's left are illusions. At least I had enough time to regret my sins . . . .

Now that I realized there's nothing left, I returned. I am sitting in the place when I lost everything and everything looks lost. Death came, and everything else vanished with the wind. Even my tears.

What is the meaning of all this . . . ? The crow will never come . . . .

(imagem de Dorian Cleavenger)

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