testing a new face for the old blog. tried other platforms, but no other seemed good enough.

January 16, 2005

[I had...]

[I had...]

I had... almost... forgotten the feeling... of becoming evanescent...

... of letting my mind silently escape from me and wander, random and free, through the everlasting night...

... of closing my eyes slowly, with no rush or pain, and then seeing light, not darkness, not the darkness that I've become and my life and my world and everything...

... of becoming nothing, and running free through the nothingness that is me and this place I had never seen or touched or smelled or tasted or even felt with my fingers...

... of thinking about nothing and no one, 'till it was all gone but... but you, slowly coming from the mists of darkness and light...

... 'till your amber eyes and warm smile become the only things I could see, not with my eyes that are blind and shut, but with my heart, long dead and gone, but once again beating second after second... for you.

I love you...

(imagem de autor desconhecido, retirada da Fan Art da Blizzard Entertainment)

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